The World of Ōmoi Ame RPG
Please... We do not like stalkers. So I will ask you politely to please register before going all mad creeper status on my forum. Pleasure doing business with you.


Yes, you.
Your face?
I like that shit.
So why don't you join?
We are in need of members, and your epic self could really be appreciated in our community!
So fucking join, you lurkers.
Fuck being polite.

-Nero Angelo

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The World of Ōmoi Ame RPG
Please... We do not like stalkers. So I will ask you politely to please register before going all mad creeper status on my forum. Pleasure doing business with you.


Yes, you.
Your face?
I like that shit.
So why don't you join?
We are in need of members, and your epic self could really be appreciated in our community!
So fucking join, you lurkers.
Fuck being polite.

-Nero Angelo
The World of Ōmoi Ame RPG
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Post by Noir Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:39 am

The steady flow of a nearby stream could be heard from where Ary had entered, and the soft grass with the morning dew, felt moist upon the soles of her feet. It was a beautiful morning, no clouds blocked the morning sun. The birds chirped above her as she walked towards the flowing stream. Ary had been pacing around the cemetery looking for nothing in particular. She was just there to observe her surroundings, looking at the grave sight. Ary was still quiet new to the area, still very much unsure of where she was or what she had in mind. She had no logic, no special goal, but she found herself here--the cemetery. On her left, just a few good miles or so away was the park, the playground. The place of her first encounter with a being nothing like herself. It was strange to say the least, but it was her first. Nothing too extravagant or special, but she wished it was. A puff of smoke could be visibly seen as she sighed lightly. Is the day going to be a slow day, like all the other days, or is it going to be more productive? She questioned herself, still very much pacing around like a lost dog. Her emerald green eyes with a little hint of glimmer looked around, but saw nothing of interest, only stones engraved by the names of the dead. She continued on her little trail to the stream, quietly and stealthily just in case something were to pop out of nowhere. Ary was a cautious one, always keeping her mind open, and never letting one single thing pass by her. She was the type of person who would acknowledge whatever came her way. Bad or good, it didn't matter. In her life, nothing too extreme had ever happened. You could say that Ary has lived a boring life, and in fact that assumption was very true. No doubt, her past life was nothing too special. She was kept out from the world, held against her will until she was old enough or worth enough to go on her own. Ary finally came across the stream, clear and breathtaking, and possibly cold, leaving only a glimpse of the graveyard within sight. She took a seat on a medium sized bolder, opened her leather bound journal, released the clasp, tapped her pen against the empty white pages, and let her mind consume her. Hoping she would find the exact words to write. A few moments too quick and Ary stood back up. She tucked her journal into a a small leather bag, and walked back into the cemetery. The cemetery was quiet during this time of day; it was a little too early. She didn't mind she liked the solitude, and she kind of wondered who's bodies were six feet under the ground. A family member, loved one, friend, enemy, all of the above. Ary closed her eyes and whispered a little short prayer before she placed a foot onto the cool pavement. Following the stretched path which guided her to hundreds upon hundreds of tombstones.

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Age : 31
Location : I don't really care, I'm already there.

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Blocked. [N. Angelo] Empty Re: Blocked. [N. Angelo]

Post by Nero Angelo Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:26 pm

Blocked. [N. Angelo] Tumblr_mjd6xzJMEt1s035gko5_500_zpsc7d46556


“...Is he dead?” a husky voice questioned in a raspy whisper, nudging the motionless body with the boot of his shoe. The man beside him kneeled down to a crouch, shaking the body in a churlish manner. The body didn't budge. “...I-I guess so,” the other man confirmed with hesitance, looking up at the standing ally. “Well...what do we do with the body?” the hulking man asked in a puzzling tone, rubbing the back of his head. “Bury...him in the grave yard...?” the second man scrambled, his words jumbling in a perplexed emphasis. “Yeah, yeah! Good idea!” the guy agreed reluctantly, most likely because it seemed like the only reasonable destination to bury a dead man. The two men leaned over the lanky body and struggled to pick it up, their breaths huffing and puffing in the brisk air of the night. “Ugh!” a man spat in abhorrence, whipping his off to the side, his mouth tearing open to gasp for air. “Not only is this bastard fucking heavy, but he reeks of alcohol!” “Quit complaining, jackass! Let's just hurry and put him into the ca—“ A high-pitched scream pierced the air suddenly, and the men both cringed, their hands flying up to their ears to shield the horrifying sound. The body smacked against the ground, a low, unheard moan coming from the body. A girl came running out from the bar, her dress disheveled and her hair all unkept. “Oh my god!” she hollered in a cry, her hand flying up to her mouth. “You killed him!?” she cried, falling to her knees and clinging to the limp body. The two men looked at each other, terribly confused by the woman's reaction. “I-I thought he was harrassing you! You screamed for him to get off of y—“ “You moron!” she scolded, fluidly standing up and whacking him in the back of his head. The man hissed an ow and childishly rubbed his head, cursing a few swears under his breath. “But Miss Amane! We could have sworn that he was—“ “No, you idiots! I actually liked it, god! Do you NOT understand how women act!? Ugh! He was cute!” she squealed, shaking her head. Falling to her knees, she wrapped her arms around the body and clung to it, sobbing like a little girl. “For fuck's sake...” the man muttered, pulling her off. “We have to get rid of this body, now! Get back inside,” he ordered as he and the other man resumed picking up the body. “Humph!” the girl growled, throwing a hissy fit on her way back to the bar. Popping the drunk open, both men struggled to shove the body into the small trunk, whacking the head on the way in. The body groaned inaudibly. Exhaling deeply, one man wiped the sheet of sweat that had nestled itself upon his forehead, sighing heavily with relief. “Alright. Let's get going. We gotta' long night of digging ahead of us.” The trunk door closed, and darkness fell.

It was dark.
Damp and dark.
...And it emitted the odd scent of decaying earth and rotten flesh.
The soil seemed to erupt beneath a collaborated pile of fresh tarnish, periodically pulsating up and down like the frantic beats of a struggling heart. And then King of the Decease rose. A body suddenly emerged from the pool of damp soil, fragments of soil flying every where as the being shook their head dramatically to whiplash the clinging dirt off of them. Their long, lanky torso curled inward as they dramatically gasped for air, hands clawing away at the dirt that sat in the depths of their lap, hiding the lower half of their body. “Ugh...I picked a wrong day for a hangover...” a composed voice muttered, a dirtied hand coming up to the man's face and rubbing his forehead. Cranking one half-lidded eye to open and take recon amongst the area he had been in, the sudden burst of radiance shone down on his eyes, and he groaned an inaudible swear under his breath for God giving such a piercing light to this shitty world. Nonchalantly, the man glanced down and spotted something sticking out of his chest. Ah, that's where that source of slight pang was coming from. Lodged within his chest had been—wait, a steak knife? actual knife used to cut food? The fuck? Arching a brow, he lowered his hand from his forehead and grabbed the handle of the knife, tearing it out as if it had been nothing. A trail of blood oozed out as soon as the blade was removed. Leisurely tossing it behind him, the silver-haired brute placed his palms beside him and pushed up, the muscles within his arms coiling tightly as he pulled through his deathbed. Brushing off his pants to get rid of the dirt, he lifted one foot up at a time to shake the dirt off, though, he came to a hault. Glancing off the the side, he saw a girl just before him. The lower lids of his eyes twitched heavily, freezing up at the moment. What an awkward sight to see at such early hours of the day.

Nero Angelo
Nero Angelo

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Age : 30
Location : Hey, Hey, Hey! C'mon, Babe!

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Post by Noir Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:13 pm

One...two...three... Ary counted her steps as she walked down the long narrow stretched path. Pacing, her bare feet touched the pavement. The sun had radiated enough heat to make the paved ground feel warm to the touch of her feet. Ary tip toed lightly before her feet could bare it no longer. That was very wise of me. Ary uttered under her breath in a sarcastic manner. As one could see, Ary wasn't wearing any shoes. Forget shoes, she never liked the feel of them, plus she's never really worn them all that much. She skipped back to the grass, fine like blades cut the soles of her feet causing her to groan just a tiny bit. She sighed, like all the other times when she found no joy to her little advents. Walking along the side of the path, Ary felt the earth beneath her. The soil felt cool and refreshing, and if Ary listened closely she could probably hear the heat emitting from her feet.

The day was perfect, but why was she here? The cemetery was no place for someone like her to be at during a weather like this. If only people knew that Ary liked the solitude and the silence, they would understand her a little clearer. She had lived her life with six older siblings who always had the tendency to pick on her. She was their little game, their little toy. She could have done something about it, to make them stop. She had enough power to do so, but being Ary she let it happen anyway. Ary was way too kind for her own good, and sometimes she wished she wasn't but that was just how she was. Of all the personality Ary could have acquire, she had to be the obedient and noble one. If you ask her to do something, she'll do with no hesitation. Unlike all her siblings, Ary followed the rules, did what she was told, and never scolded any of her siblings. Maybe it was because she was the youngest of the bunch, but plainly she never liked hurting anyone. She has a sharp tongue, don't get her wrong, but other than that, that's all the qualities this little kind headed ginger has.

A few feet away, Ary was oblivious to what was happening around her. Ary took another step closer and lifted her head to acknowledge what was before her--she felt the ground move. What's happening? She questioned herself as she looked around trying to find the source of the problem. Then there it was, from the corner of her eyes she saw a man sprung up from the ground. Dirt flying and scattering every which way. Ary blinked as she gazed at the scene. Was she seeing this correctly? Did she just witnessed a man spring back to life from six feet under the ground? Was it even six feet? Amateurs. Ary whispered before she quickly increased her pace. She rushed towards the being. Who or whatever he was, dangerous or not, Ary felt the need to do something. As she was about to head to his aid, Ary felt his eyes upon her. She didn't care, she rushed to his side any way, but before she could he was already in a sitting position, out of the ground which had held him hostage. He was dusting away the dirt off his well defined body. Ary halted a few good feet away, blinked some more and looked at the man. "A man... She said in a hushed tone. Crazy at it may seem to others, but this was the first male creature, (other than her brothers and Alaric) Ary had ever seen with her very own eyes. Not from a t.v screen which she watched from her room, but in person.

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Age : 31
Location : I don't really care, I'm already there.

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Post by Noir Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:11 am


TOPIC CLOSED, until further notice..or none at all.

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Age : 31
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Post by Nero Angelo Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:34 am

Nero Angelo
Nero Angelo

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Age : 30
Location : Hey, Hey, Hey! C'mon, Babe!

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